Avui, dia 4 hem celebrat el dia de St. Francesc fent una eucaristia a l’església del costat de l’escola, la Santíssima Trinitat.
A l’eucaristia hi han anat les classes a partir de 3r de primària fins 4t de la ESO.
L’eucaristia ha estat molt emotiva i commovedora perquè apart de celebrar el dia de St. Francesc, la germana Brenda i Jacinta han renovat els seus vots, ja que fa 25 anys que van decidir convertir-se en monges i viure una vida al costat de Déu.
Un cop acabada la missa, a la Brenda li han regalat uns escrits i dibuixos que han fet tots els alumnes felicitant-la per tots aquests anys de treball.
Després, tant alumnes com professors han estat convidats a esmorzar xocolata calenta i melindros.
Today we celebrated a mass for Sant Francesc in the church next to our school, “Santíssima Trinitat”.
The classes from 3rd of primary to 4th of ESO took part in this celebration.
It has been very emotional and touching because apart from celebrating St. Francesc Day, sisters Brenda and Jacinta renewed their vow . 25 years ago they decided to become nuns and live a life with God.
When the mass was over, the students gave Brenda some writings and drawings that they all made to thank her for all these years.
Afterwards, both students and teachers were invited to hot chocolate and sponge cake.