dijous, 5 d’octubre del 2017


In our school, every year we have a different motto and this year we also have a new logo. So it’s quite special. Last year, the motto was “junts seguim el viatge, let´s go” and because of that the classes of kindergarten and primary had transport names. This year our motto is “una escolar de colors, enjoy it!” related to the colors of the logo. So every class has a name that represents one color.

P3- the beach: representing blue colour.

P4- the frogs: representing green colour.

P5- cheese: representing yellow colour.


1st- plums: representing purple colour.
Resultat d'imatges de ciruelas
2nd- nemos: representing orange colour.
Resultat d'imatges de nemos
3rd- pink panthers: representing pink colour.
Resultat d'imatges de pantera rosa
4th- white ambulance: representing white color.
Imatge relacionada
5th- red hot chilly peppers: representing red colour.
Resultat d'imatges de chili peppers
6th- black oreos: representing black colour.
Imatge relacionada