Hauran de fer una pàgina sobre la evolució de la música i les seves diferents etapes, hem preguntat a tres alumnes de la classe diferents dubtes que teníem sobre el treball i la seva opinió:
- Us està agradant l’experiència de fer una pàgina web?
Lívia: No molt, ja que estem molt indecisos ja que no sabem si ho estem fent bé.
Berta: Sí, ens agrada bastant.
Laura: Sí, moltíssim, penso que és molt positiu perquè sempre hem d'estar amb els llibres a totes les assignatures, en canvi, a aquesta, no.
- Ja sabem que no heu fet vosaltres els grups, però amb el grup que us ha tocat, treballeu bé junts?
Lívia: no, no ens entenem.
Berta: sí, però no molt.
Laura: sí, ens portem molt bé tots entre nosaltres la veritat.
- Quan és la data d’entrega?
S’ha d’entregar al final del 1r trimestre.
- Com aneu? Creieu que us donarà temps d’acabar-ho?
Lívia: Anem bastant malament, no, no ens donarà temps d’acabar.
Berta i Laura: Anem molt bé, ens donarà i suposem que ens sobrarà temps.
Esperem que tots els de la classe de 2n us vagi genial el treball!!!
Students work a lot in different subjects and almost everyone thinks that it is very boring, but the teachers are working to change the dynamic of the classes.
Today we are presenting Music in 2nd of ESO:
Our music teacher decided that instead of following a theory book, doing exercises and afterwards an exam, that the same students could create their own webpage.
The webpages will be about the evolution of the music and its different stages, three students were about their opinion:
Are you enjoying the experience of making a web page?
Lívia: not much, because we are not sure because we don´t know if we are doing well.
Berta: yes, we like it.
Laura: Yes, a lot, I think that it is positive because we are always with books in all the subjects, but not in this one.
- We know that you haven’t done your groups, but do you work well in the groups you are?
Lívia: no, we don’t work well.
Berta: yes, but not much.
Laura: yes, a lot.
- When do you have to have it done?
At the end of this term.
- Do you think that you will get it?
Lívia: no, I don't think so.
Berta and Laura: yes, we do.
We hope that all the students of 2nd could finally finish their webpage!!