Els alumnes de 4t d’ESO s’estan preparant per recaptar diners pel seu viatge a l’illa de Malta.
A partir d’ara, alguns divendres per la tarda prepararan un berenar per a tot aquell qui vulgui, hi haurà pastissos, croissants, ensaïmades... i també beguda: sucs, cacaolats...
L’escola us informarà quan estaran i podreu anar a comprar el vostre berenar!
També estan preparant-se per a el dia de la castanyada: castanyes, pastissos, galetes, llaminadures..., la seva parada estarà al cine Imperial, no us ho perdeu, us esperem a tots!!
4th ESO students are preparing to raise money for their trip to Malta’s island.
From now on, some Fridays in the afternoon we will prepare snacks for everyone There will be pies, croissants, cookies... and also drinks: juices, “cacaolats”...
The school will inform you when you can buy your snack!
They are also preparing for the day of “castanyada”: chestnuts, cakes, cookies, sweets ... the stall will be at the Imperial Cinemas, don’t miss it, we are waiting for you!!